Only 199 days to go or 29 weeks if that makes you feel better. It seems like the time is going by quickly and that is just fine! :) As you can see from the above picture, I had my first doctor appointment last week and everything is going well. The baby is perfect and I am doing ok too! I have been soo soo sick the past few weeks, but now that I have a prescription, I am feeling more like myself. I am just counting down the days until the second trimester. I hope its the honeymoon my first pregnancy was. :)
Josh and I still can't agree on any names... we didn't have this problem with baby number 1. Of course, it doesn't help that he is convinced its a boy so he won't even think about girl names. I have tried to tell him that theres a slim chance its a girl, but I'm sure you know how that goes.
I am so thankful for this chance to be a mommy again. Every day I realize what a blessing my beautiful little girl is and I am so humbled knowing that God has seen fit to bless me a second time with a new little baby to love and cherish.
Its going to be a beautiful ride and I am so glad you are here to take it with me. :)
much love,
Aaron blames me for so many girls. But I am quick to remind him how it works. He always says he is taking the King Edward approach. Good luck with names we are struggling with a girl name!