Wednesday, October 12, 2011

{baby jake} The Nursery - Part 3!

Ok, so since the last post, I have added a few more things... mainly all the stuff that needed sewn.  I am still on the hunt for a small, dark wooded table to use as a side table, so if you see one for cheap (or free!) let me know. :) And I need to find a lamp for those late night feedings.  But, I am so pleased with how the rest is coming along!

I am very proud of myself for my newly acquired sewing "skills". I use the term skills very, very loosely.  My friend Steph came over and helped me figure out how to get the bobbin right and thread the machine... try not to laugh too hard at me.  And once she got me set up on that, I was on a roll! I made a nursing cover (which I need to take a picture of and post!) and my most adventurous project was slipcovering the old glider chair.  Remember what it looked like? See it here.  And look at it now! A vast improvement.  And if you don't look to closely at the slightly uneven seams, it looks great! And the color looks very close to the inspiration photo.      

This side of the room as a whole is looking pretty good.  The crib bedding is in and though the sheet isn't exactly the right color, it still looks good. I haven't had a chance to sew one in the right fabric. :) My Grannie Verne sewed the bumper pad and the crib skirt and they turned out great!

See... I told you this side is looking a lot better.

The white trees are coming for the wall behind the crib, I just haven't ordered them yet because we haven't had a chance to put them up.  And, its not exactly pertinent to Jake's care. 

I do have the pieces to make the mobile, I just keep forgetting about it.  If I can summon the energy tomorrow, I will make it and then have Josh hang it up!

Madi wanted a picture by the bed, so of course you know I have to include her cute self. She is thrilled to be a big sister on Friday!  Please note the new pumpkin earrings.  Its the first time they've been changed out since the initial piercing a couple of months ago and she is so excited.  I do make her put the gold studs back in each night though.

Well, I might post about Madi and my special lunch tomorrow, but if not, the next time I do will be after baby! I can't believe Jake will be here in less than 36 hours.  We can't wait!

much love,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

{baby jake} 38 Weeks!!

Well,  it's finally time! In 3 days, baby Jake will be here! I still don't know what time yet, but I will find out Thursday... its funny that I won't know the time until the day before.  Lol.

I have been having some really random thoughts lately and I'm trying to reign them in, but ya know, last month hormones are a little crazy. Enjoy -  

-My dreams lately have been terrible, when I can sleep, but what can I do? I only have about 3 shirts that still fit. I toss and turn all night long so I end up not having covers or taking them all from Josh... haha... but its ok, because I am going to have a baby in 3 days!

-I go between being calm and being anxious with thoughts of the surgery Friday, so I could definitely use prayers on that front, but I know that God in in control and everything will go according to His plan.  And, I am in such capable hands.  My doctor is a Christian, so I know that the entire procedure will be bathed in prayer.  And my closest friend in the world (also a mother/baby nurse) will be right there with us just to keep her eye on things. :)

-We finally have a full name for the Baby Jake... barring any mind changes (again) between now Friday... and we love it because his initials will be the same as Josh's... J T C. :)

-I cried at the most ridiculous movie this weekend.  Real Steal.  Who cries at a movie called Real Steal? Me apparently.  Well, pregnant me. But there was a really touching scene between a father and son, and you know... it needed some tears.  

-The nursery is almost finished.  Minus about 3 things. (whoo hoo!) I am ever so grateful to my family and friends who have helped clean, helped sew, and helped me become addicted to my sewing machine. :)

-I cleaned out the car and got it all beautiful only for Madi to dump about 30 books all over the back seat again.  But, better books than cheerios and milk.  

-I am trying to rest this week, but its hard! I have so much to do! In fact, I am missing my MOPS friends at this very moment in hopes that I can rest and get a few little things done.

Well, I am sure you are bored with my ramblings, so thank you for reading! I can't wait to share pictures of my beautiful baby boy.  And, before then, I will update you on the nursery status.  

much love,

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

{baby Jake} The Nursery - Part 2

Well, with Jake's arrival imminent, I am trying to tie up loose ends... and the nursery is definitely one of those.  

We have the furniture in, its just the accessories that need polished.  Here are a couple of pictures as it stands now, and I will fill you in on what is missing. :) 

On this wall you will notice we are missing: the big white trees (they are on their way... ), curtains, the bumper pad (we have the fabric, now it is being sewn), the mobile (I am making it this week), a small table by the chair, a slipcover for the chair (which hopefully I will be able to sew this week with a little help from my friend), and a lamp. Whew, I am tired just thinking of all that.  But it will get done! And if its not done before he gets here, that's ok.

This side is a little more finished.  All that is missing is hanging a couple of the pictures that are sitting on the shelf right now (who knew frames came without a picture hanger), a few accessories to put on the shelf (it is really hard to find cute owl things that aren't cartoonish), and I need to make the mobile to hang above the changing table.  This side is more done.  :)

I am excited with how things are turning out and pretty excited that it actually resembles is the same color as the inspiration photo a little.  I would eventually like to get a rug for the center of the floor... but, it doesn't have to be 100% completed before he gets here.  Good thing too, since that is just over a week away!

Well, I hope you like it!

much love,

Monday, October 3, 2011

Fun at the Corn Maze

I have been wanting to go to a corn maze during autumn for a couple of years now, but the timing/location never really worked out.  This year, however, I was so excited to hear about Cornfuzion Corn Maze! It is located in North Lakeland, off of Old Polk City Road.

We had a great time and the weather could not have been better!

Click on the collage to enlarge the pictures. 

Madi was estatic as soon as we got there.  She had been talking about going for days and Josh and I were glad to see so many activities for her.

-Playing in the corn pool was awesome... and a great idea.  It's a lot less messy than sand!
-She loved the little train ride - and the fact that she got to go all by herself.
-The jumping pillow was great fun.  Madi ran, bounced, and even played tag with Daddy.
-We went on a hayride, which toured around the middle of the farm around the 8 acre maze, and Madi enjoyed her snow cone enroute.
-After the hayride, Madi took a picture with the pumpkin truck and picked out two small pumpkins - one for her and one for Jake. :)
-There was a place to race rubber ducks with water from the water pump.  It is hard work and Madi persevered until her ducks made it to the finish!
-And finally, we went through the corn maze.  The corn wasn't as high in places as I was expecting, but it turned out to be a good thing.  When we were looking for a way out, it was nice to be able to see over some of the stalks to look for another path. :)

It was a great family affair and was the perfect way to spend the day.  Madi was worn out which, if you know her at all, is always a good thing.  I highly recommend that you take your family during October! You can see their information on facebook here.

I hope you are enjoying the semi-fallish weather.  For Florida, anything that is less than 90 degrees feels great!

much love,