Friday, December 16, 2011

Betty Crocker Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations to 

Amy Dearie!! 

You gift pack should arrive in 2-3 weeks :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The 20 Hour Giveaway! A Gift Pack from Betty Crocker

Warm your family’s hearts and home with a fresh-from-the-oven treat that won’t have you spending hours in the kitchen. New Milk Chocolate Traditional Brownie mix from Betty Crocker® can help you simplify your brownie baking regimen and get a head start on homemade.

Betty Crocker has remade their brownie mix, but don't worry, it's better than ever! 
I was sent a box of the new  mix and Madi and I enjoyed making them together.  They were delicious - so moist and chocolatey.  Would you like to try them too? 

The holidays are filled with desserts of every kind... 
add to the Christmas cheer with some brownies!

Enter this giveaway... 
all you need to do is leave a 
comment with your favorite dessert and you are entered. 
This is a quick giveaway so tell your friends to enter before its too late!

If you win, you will receive a Betty Crocker Apron, a 9x9 pan with lid, a box of Betty Crocker's new brownie mix, and a red melamine mixing spoon.  Everything you need to make these brownies but the eggs and water!

Giveaway ends at 4pm Friday afternoon!

Disclosure: The product, information and prize pack have been provided by Betty Crocker through MyBlogSpark.

Monday, November 28, 2011

{my baby} Jake Timothy

Well, it's been several weeks since I have blogged anything, and that pretty much has to do with my new little bundle of joy - Jake.  Adjusting to a life with a preschooler and newborn has been tough, but I think we are finally getting into the swing of things.  And I didn't want to post about anything else until I had posted about him!

Jake was born October 14th at 8:30 am weighing 8 lb 5 oz and measuring 21 1/2 inches long! He was a big boy for being a week early! After a routine c-section I spent 3 days in the hospital and came home Monday morning.  The recovery wasn't too bad and at the end of two weeks I was having to slow down and remind myself that I had just had major surgery!

I will post a more detailed "birth story" later on, but for now, I just want to share some pictures of my new little guy.  If you follow me on facebook, you've already seen them, but if not... here you go! (And yes, they are done by my most favorite photographer - Kellie Day.  See more about her here.)

I have to include one of the proud big sister... :)

Well, I hope you love him as much as I do!! :) I can't wait to share plenty of sibling adventures in the near future.

much love,

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

{baby jake} The Nursery - Part 3!

Ok, so since the last post, I have added a few more things... mainly all the stuff that needed sewn.  I am still on the hunt for a small, dark wooded table to use as a side table, so if you see one for cheap (or free!) let me know. :) And I need to find a lamp for those late night feedings.  But, I am so pleased with how the rest is coming along!

I am very proud of myself for my newly acquired sewing "skills". I use the term skills very, very loosely.  My friend Steph came over and helped me figure out how to get the bobbin right and thread the machine... try not to laugh too hard at me.  And once she got me set up on that, I was on a roll! I made a nursing cover (which I need to take a picture of and post!) and my most adventurous project was slipcovering the old glider chair.  Remember what it looked like? See it here.  And look at it now! A vast improvement.  And if you don't look to closely at the slightly uneven seams, it looks great! And the color looks very close to the inspiration photo.      

This side of the room as a whole is looking pretty good.  The crib bedding is in and though the sheet isn't exactly the right color, it still looks good. I haven't had a chance to sew one in the right fabric. :) My Grannie Verne sewed the bumper pad and the crib skirt and they turned out great!

See... I told you this side is looking a lot better.

The white trees are coming for the wall behind the crib, I just haven't ordered them yet because we haven't had a chance to put them up.  And, its not exactly pertinent to Jake's care. 

I do have the pieces to make the mobile, I just keep forgetting about it.  If I can summon the energy tomorrow, I will make it and then have Josh hang it up!

Madi wanted a picture by the bed, so of course you know I have to include her cute self. She is thrilled to be a big sister on Friday!  Please note the new pumpkin earrings.  Its the first time they've been changed out since the initial piercing a couple of months ago and she is so excited.  I do make her put the gold studs back in each night though.

Well, I might post about Madi and my special lunch tomorrow, but if not, the next time I do will be after baby! I can't believe Jake will be here in less than 36 hours.  We can't wait!

much love,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

{baby jake} 38 Weeks!!

Well,  it's finally time! In 3 days, baby Jake will be here! I still don't know what time yet, but I will find out Thursday... its funny that I won't know the time until the day before.  Lol.

I have been having some really random thoughts lately and I'm trying to reign them in, but ya know, last month hormones are a little crazy. Enjoy -  

-My dreams lately have been terrible, when I can sleep, but what can I do? I only have about 3 shirts that still fit. I toss and turn all night long so I end up not having covers or taking them all from Josh... haha... but its ok, because I am going to have a baby in 3 days!

-I go between being calm and being anxious with thoughts of the surgery Friday, so I could definitely use prayers on that front, but I know that God in in control and everything will go according to His plan.  And, I am in such capable hands.  My doctor is a Christian, so I know that the entire procedure will be bathed in prayer.  And my closest friend in the world (also a mother/baby nurse) will be right there with us just to keep her eye on things. :)

-We finally have a full name for the Baby Jake... barring any mind changes (again) between now Friday... and we love it because his initials will be the same as Josh's... J T C. :)

-I cried at the most ridiculous movie this weekend.  Real Steal.  Who cries at a movie called Real Steal? Me apparently.  Well, pregnant me. But there was a really touching scene between a father and son, and you know... it needed some tears.  

-The nursery is almost finished.  Minus about 3 things. (whoo hoo!) I am ever so grateful to my family and friends who have helped clean, helped sew, and helped me become addicted to my sewing machine. :)

-I cleaned out the car and got it all beautiful only for Madi to dump about 30 books all over the back seat again.  But, better books than cheerios and milk.  

-I am trying to rest this week, but its hard! I have so much to do! In fact, I am missing my MOPS friends at this very moment in hopes that I can rest and get a few little things done.

Well, I am sure you are bored with my ramblings, so thank you for reading! I can't wait to share pictures of my beautiful baby boy.  And, before then, I will update you on the nursery status.  

much love,

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

{baby Jake} The Nursery - Part 2

Well, with Jake's arrival imminent, I am trying to tie up loose ends... and the nursery is definitely one of those.  

We have the furniture in, its just the accessories that need polished.  Here are a couple of pictures as it stands now, and I will fill you in on what is missing. :) 

On this wall you will notice we are missing: the big white trees (they are on their way... ), curtains, the bumper pad (we have the fabric, now it is being sewn), the mobile (I am making it this week), a small table by the chair, a slipcover for the chair (which hopefully I will be able to sew this week with a little help from my friend), and a lamp. Whew, I am tired just thinking of all that.  But it will get done! And if its not done before he gets here, that's ok.

This side is a little more finished.  All that is missing is hanging a couple of the pictures that are sitting on the shelf right now (who knew frames came without a picture hanger), a few accessories to put on the shelf (it is really hard to find cute owl things that aren't cartoonish), and I need to make the mobile to hang above the changing table.  This side is more done.  :)

I am excited with how things are turning out and pretty excited that it actually resembles is the same color as the inspiration photo a little.  I would eventually like to get a rug for the center of the floor... but, it doesn't have to be 100% completed before he gets here.  Good thing too, since that is just over a week away!

Well, I hope you like it!

much love,

Monday, October 3, 2011

Fun at the Corn Maze

I have been wanting to go to a corn maze during autumn for a couple of years now, but the timing/location never really worked out.  This year, however, I was so excited to hear about Cornfuzion Corn Maze! It is located in North Lakeland, off of Old Polk City Road.

We had a great time and the weather could not have been better!

Click on the collage to enlarge the pictures. 

Madi was estatic as soon as we got there.  She had been talking about going for days and Josh and I were glad to see so many activities for her.

-Playing in the corn pool was awesome... and a great idea.  It's a lot less messy than sand!
-She loved the little train ride - and the fact that she got to go all by herself.
-The jumping pillow was great fun.  Madi ran, bounced, and even played tag with Daddy.
-We went on a hayride, which toured around the middle of the farm around the 8 acre maze, and Madi enjoyed her snow cone enroute.
-After the hayride, Madi took a picture with the pumpkin truck and picked out two small pumpkins - one for her and one for Jake. :)
-There was a place to race rubber ducks with water from the water pump.  It is hard work and Madi persevered until her ducks made it to the finish!
-And finally, we went through the corn maze.  The corn wasn't as high in places as I was expecting, but it turned out to be a good thing.  When we were looking for a way out, it was nice to be able to see over some of the stalks to look for another path. :)

It was a great family affair and was the perfect way to spend the day.  Madi was worn out which, if you know her at all, is always a good thing.  I highly recommend that you take your family during October! You can see their information on facebook here.

I hope you are enjoying the semi-fallish weather.  For Florida, anything that is less than 90 degrees feels great!

much love,

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why I Am Having A C-Section....

Now, this might be too much for some people to read, and that is ok.  
If you don't like medical stuff, then you probably don't want to read it.   

However, many people have been asking, so I wanted to clarify why I am having a c-section with Jake. :)

Madi was delivered naturally (even without pain meds!) but, during my pregnancy, the doctors discovered a fibroid tumor on my uterus that grew increasingly larger as I progressed.  By the end of the pregnancy it was bigger than Madi's head.  Because the pregnancy hormones caused it to enlarge, we were hoping that once Madi was born, it would shrink down again.  When I went back for a check up a couple of months after Madi's birth, the doctor did a check and the tumor had not shrank any, in fact, he thought at first that I might have been pregnant... not what you want to hear when you just delivered a baby two months ago... haha.  

So, because the tumor was so large and could cause further medical issues, especially if I were to get pregnant again, it had to be surgically removed.  The surgery, whoo hoo, ended up being like a c-section. Instead of having two horizontal scars (one outside and one inside), like you would with a real c-section, I have a horizontal scar outside and a vertical scar inside.  Because of the vertical scar inside, the likelihood of a uterine rupture at the scar site during labor is increased to a 10-12% chance and that is just not worth the cost.  

Thus, we are having a c-section on October 14th.  Its kind of nice to be able to know when the baby is coming.  I can make sure everything is ready and we can plan our schedule a little bit.  I am a nervous about another surgery, but I know that God is looking out for the both of us and keeps us safe in His arms.  

Your prayers for a safe delivery will be greatly appreciated! 
Oh, and there have been no tumors with this baby, yay!

much love, 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Capturing Memories

Almost four years ago, a friend of mine began taking pictures professionally and I asked her to take some of my then 1 month old little girl.  

Kellie Day Photography

She did more than I ever expected or imagined and has continued to do so ever since. 

Recently, my friend Kellie (and team) took pictures of our family and then some of my expecting self, and they turned out so beautiful that I just needed to brag about her a little bit.  Kellie and her husband Clint are the incredibly talented photographers behind Kellie Day Photography, and recently, Brittany (Kellie's twin sister) has joined them.  Together they take some of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen.  

Here is a little collage of a few from our most recent photo session.  (Yes, my precious little girl has grown up a lot from that little cutie in the photo above.) 

Kellie Day Photography

Words cannot describe how thankful I am to have Kellie, Clint, and Brittany in my life.  Their ability to capture precious moments in our life and preserve them with such artistry and beauty means the world to me.  If you ever need someone to take pictures for you, there is no one I could recommend any higher.  They are gracious, kind, and beyond talented.  

Thank you Kellie and Kellie Day Photography for being a part of my family!

I love you all,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My First Football Game

I really don't know what I am going to do in five weeks once I can't blame pregnancy brain.  I guess then it becomes newborn brain, then toddler brain, then pre-teen brain, then teenager brain... Hey, I'm good for a long time! lol.  

Sunday, I went with my husband to the Bucs game in Tampa.  I was so excited to spend quality, uninterrupted time with my husband and to go to my first NFL football game ever, that I totally forgot (or completely disregarded) the fact that I am almost 9 months pregnant.  

Let's just say that sitting in the very top of the stadium, in 103 degree heat, in direct sunlight while very pregnant probably wasn't the best idea I've ever had.  I may or may not have had to get up and seek shade and shelter after the first quarter. 

My poor husband had to get up during the second quarter and come find me to make sure I was ok.  But, it wasn't just me.  There were tons of people everywhere feeling the effects of the heat.  Even the football players.  But hey, carrying a growing baby has to be more taxing than running around on a field in who-knows-how-many layers of padding and uniforms.  

I must say, seeing as how it was the 10 year anniversary of September 11th, they opened up the game in a very special way and I am so glad we were there to see it.  Thousands of people singing the national anthem and paying respect to those we honor with that day was pretty cool. They even spread a flag over the entire football stadium.  It was moving.

But, the Bucs didn't even play well.  Don't tell the people we were sitting around, but we were rooting for the Lions anyway.  Josh has a slight crush on Chris Johnson.  :0)

I enjoyed spending time with my husband- even if it was super hot, and my heart was racing, and I couldn't stop sweating.  (they wouldn't let me bring in my mister fan.  it could have been used as a missile.  you know me...) Josh could have asked one of his guy friends to go, but instead was thoughtful and kind and sacrificed his precious tickets for me. :)

Love you babe!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Cleaning Below the Surface

We've all had those days when we're a little behind on house cleaning and then realize company is coming in a couple of hours.  So we pick up here and there and then do a quick surface clean - just enough to make the house look like it’s clean without really get down deep.  

I often have spiritual revelations in the most odd situations, but as I was cleaning the sink in Madi's bathroom (with a Clorox wipe, just enough so that it looked clean) I realized that often we do this with our lives.  We struggle with sin in our life, but instead of "deep cleaning" our heart and getting rid of the root of the problem, we just do a quick surface clean.  Erase the signs people can see in our lives and then just ignore the heart of the problem.  

Psalms 51:10 says, "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." God wants to help us clean out the root of our sin and not just it's manifestations in our life.  

As moms, its hard to teach this concept to our kids.  We want them to obey because they love us and because they want to honor God.  But in their eyes it often translates to obedience because they don't want a time out or consequence.  It's so typical of humans.  We are sorry because we get caught.  So we straighten up and put on a good front for the world to see without ever addressing the real issues.  

I want Madi to obey out of a clean heart and pure motives, but half the time I don't get it right.  I want to keep my heart pure before God, without sinful motives behind what I do.    

So, today, as you are cleaning your house or washing dishes or even working, check your heart and take a good look.  Are you just wiping away evidence here and there or have you really gotten rid of the root of that sin in your life?

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up" 
1 Thessalonians 5:11

much love, 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

{baby jake} 31 weeks!

Holy cow! 31 weeks! 

Time has been flying by and now seems to be dragging... but its a good thing since I still have yet to do anything to the nursery since painting.  We finally got a dresser yesterday and we are working on the crib.  We drove all the way to Ikea last night to get one and they have had to send all their cribs back to the factory to get some kind of safety label put on all the boxes.  Fun times.

Baby Jaker (as Madi calls him) is growing strong and healthy! We recently had some 3D/4D ultrasound pictures done and it was precious to see him.  I can't wait to hold him in my arms! Check out this picture... as soon as the ultrasound technician turned on the machine, his first look was a smile for his mommy and daddy.  

Isn't he precious? And yes, his nose is looking a little squished in this picture, but its just because it was sticking out of the frame a little bit.   

So anyway, this pregnancy is going well.  No swelling, diabetes, or any other issues.  I don't feel like I am HUGE yet, but I know thats coming.  Of course, not having a giant tumor this pregnancy probably helps (more on that in another post...) 

Maternity clothes are starting to get tight... and baby Jake is riding low, so that makes shirts quite difficult when they don't want to cover the bottom of the belly. :)

Madi is so excited to meet Jake.  She talks to him all day long including giving him hugs and kisses constantly.  Every doctor appointment she asks if its the day he's going to come out, and is slightly disappointed when I let her know its not time yet.  Hopefully this excitement continues once he is born and demanding a lot of my attention.  I think she is going to be a big helper though. 

We are so blessed and cannot wait for this little miracle to join our family!

much love,

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back in the Swing of Things

Our summer has been anything but boring, in fact, we have never been gone/traveled as much as we have this summer!

However, life is about to get even more crazy and hectic.  
Josh is starting his second master's degree (yes, he is crazy) on Monday.  So, because he is driving to Tampa for school 3 times a week, he will be gone all day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (because of church), and then Friday mornings - and throw in the normal work hours Thursday and Sunday.  It is going to be tough to be a single mom those days.  Not to mention, a newborn baby boy is arriving in the middle of October, so that will add a nice little bit of extra chaos to the mix.  

I would definitely appreciate any prayers you can throw our way.  Mainly for sanity and that we will still be able to spend quality family time together in between church, homeschooling, daddy's school and homework, MOPS stuff, a new baby, and everything else that's contained in a day.  

How do you balance life's craziness? Let's pray for each other!  

much love,

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Our New Adventure/My New Job

We have been praying for weeks for God to provide a way for us to make some extra income to alleviate some of our financial needs, and he opened the door in a unique way.  He introduced us to a new friend and she in turn introduced us to Body By Vi.  If you have heard of it before, you don't have to keep reading, but if not, I'd like to share a little bit about it.  I promise I am not going to start filling my blog with it, but I would like to share one time. 

(PS - If you do stop reading now, please at least pray for us as we start this journey...
 but I would like for you to keep reading!! :) )

Body By Vi shakes are not only great for weight loss, they are also great just to keep you healthy.  Madi loves having one for breakfast, and I, even being pregnant, enjoy one for breakfast also.  They have the nutritional equivalent of a meal with 8500 calories and over $100 worth of food all packed in to one delicious shake with less than 250 calories.  Josh has been drinking the shakes for over a week now (consistently) and has lost over 5 pounds.  The shakes are so easy to drink because there are so many different recipes; you never get tired of them! In fact, there are over 400 recipes already and even more being added daily.

If you are curious as to how they taste and live in our area, I would love for you to come by our house for our introductory shake party on Saturday August 20th at 2pm (let me know if you are coming!) or just email me/comment and I can mail you a sample packet that includes a sample of the shake mix and a couple other goodies. :)  

Body By Vi has done a lot to make the shakes affordable.  For every three people you get started on the BBV shakes, you get yours free! And, the shakes are affordable on their own.  
Right now, the company is doing what they call the "90 day challenge" which gives you a discount on the products. And enters you to win great prizes from Visalus.   
- If you are interested in weight loss, you would replace two meals a day with shakes.  That package is $99 a month - which averages $1.50 a meal! (a huge savings on groceries)
- If you are interested in just maintaining nutrition or maintaining your weight, you would replace just one meal a day.  That package is $49 a month.
- If you are interested in adding nutritional vitamins and supplements to maximize your weight loss, those packages range from $150 to $250 a month.

There are thousands of success stories I can share with you, but its always more effective for me to see it.  I encourage you to check out my website:  You won't believe those before and afters, plus,  there is a TON of information on there.  

And if you are ready to join the challenge, get to that website! 

much love and thanks for reading,

Friday, August 12, 2011

Seventh Generation Diaper Giveaway Winner! :)

Thank you to everyone who entered.  
The winner is...



Stay tuned for more giveaways. :)

much love,

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

{{Closed}} Seventh Generation Diaper Giveaway!!

Seventh Generation has redone their diapers.  They were kind enough to send me some diapers to sample and I am excited to share with you.

See what they have to say about their product:

With the same great performance that parents have come to expect from Seventh Generation, Free & Clear diapers have a brand new look that makes it ‘clear’ what makes them so special. 

What Seventh Generation leaves out is just as important as what they put in. Free & Clear diapers do not include chlorine processing, fragrances, latex and petroleum based lotions. In an effort to contribute less overall landfill waste and continue to ensure a premium standard of absorbency, the new Free & Clear diapers have been redesigned with a lighter-weight core. With processed chlorine-free wood pulp in Free & Clear diapers, Seventh Generation also makes certain that no chlorine is released into the environment during the totally chlorine-free (TCF) whitening process of the diapers and training pants. Seventh Generation has also reduced the size of the diapers’ plastic packaging, meaning that each pack now contributes even less overall landfill waste than before. In fact, Seventh Generation Free & Clear diaper packaging can now be recycled at local supermarkets where plastic bag recycling collection boxes are available. 

And because they are so wonderful, MyBlogSpark and Seventh Generation gave me a sample of the diapers to try.  Now, my baby is still growing and won't be introduced into this world until October, so I had a couple of friends try them out for me.  They all agreed that they were very absorbent and while not the most stylish of diapers, they worked just as well as huggies or pampers.  They also liked how they were made without dies and chemicals.  One friend whose son has very sensitive skin, noticed less diaper rash.  

Would you like to try out a pack of free diapers? Yes, that's right... FREE DIAPERS! There are 4 ways to enter this contest:

1) Required Entry: Comment on this post and tell me what kind of diapers you usually use and then why you would like to try Seventh Generation and what size you would need - 2, 4, or 5.  

Additional Entries:

2) Subscribe to my blog or leave a comment saying you already do!

3) Tweet/Facebook about this contest (or both) and leave a comment letting me know when you do.  (Good for up to two additional entries - one for twitter and one for facebook)

The contest will end next Tuesday August 9th, so spread the word to all of your friends!

much love,

Disclosure: Thank you MyBlogSpark and Seventh Generation for sharing the diapers with me.  Then opinions expressed are mine and my friends.  

Monday, August 1, 2011

Going on a trip - Why I am going to MOPS convention.

This has been a crazy summer of travel for our family between vacations, student camp, and mission trips.  And Wednesday I am leaving my precious husband and daughter for four days to travel 12 hours in a van to Nashville, TN.  Being 7 months pregnant, I am sure it seems kind of crazy to travel such a long distance by car, but I assure you, there couldn't be a better reason.  

My friend Ida and I get the privilege of coordinating MOPS at First Baptist Church this year.  MOPS is an incredible organization dedicated to one thing - making sure no mom is alone.  If there is one thing I hear from moms who are now grandmothers, it's that they wish something like MOPS had been around when they were parenting their children.  MOPS is a place where mothers of preschoolers can come together and be refreshed and renewed just by spending time with other moms.  

But, for Ida, myself, and the entire MOPS organization, it is so much more than just a mom social club.  It is about reaching out to moms in our community who don't have the support we do.  Its about showing moms that joy can't be found in circumstances and people alone, but in Jesus Christ.  We are determined to make a difference in our community and not just to reach one another, but reach out to those in our city for Him.

I joined MOPS two years ago and my life has been forever changed.  Being a mom can be a lonely job.  You are cooped up in the house with people who are shorter than you.  And while you can carry on a "conversation" with a 3 year old, answering "why?" for the 1000th time that day gets a little old.  When I found MOPS Madi was 1 1/2.  I was very lonely.  I didn't have a lot of mom friends, let alone friends who understood what I was experiencing.  MOPS gave me a place to study God's word and gave me friends who were in the exact place I was.   Moms who are parenting children and trying our hardest to mold and teach them to grow in Jesus.  I can't imagine my life without this wonderful group of ladies.  It is an honor to be leading this wonderful group of women and it is a privilege I don't take lightly.    

That is why I am going to MOPS convention.  This is not going to be just another year of MOPS for us.  God has given us a strong and clear vision for this year.  We are going to do everything in our power to make an impact on women's lives... and by going to convention, we are equipping ourselves to do just that.  

There is nothing magical or any special formula.  We are going to pick up our knowledge from convention, fill our hearts with the vision of this ministry, and then bring it home and love on some mommas.  

Now, don't let me fool you, I am also going to convention because its FUN! There is something special about being with a group of like-minded women.  Women united by a love of moms and Jesus.  When I experienced it last year, I couldn't wait to come back! And I can't wait to travel with my friends to Tennessee.  We are going to have an awesome and, I'm sure, crazy time.  I can't wait to come back with stories to share.  

So, even if you can't make it to convention this year.  Why don't you go to and find a group of moms in your area to join? If you live in the Lakeland area, check out our blog at  

much love, 

PS - See why my friends Ida and Jennifer are going to convention! 

Friday, July 22, 2011

{baby jake} The Nursery! - Part 1

I am finally starting to work on Baby Jake's nursery! 
He will be here in 11 weeks and this is the first thing I have done in preparation. :)
Here are a few photos of the empty room.  It is definitely a blank canvas.  

This week my sister has been staying with Madi and me to keep us company while Josh has been in New York on a mission trip.  She graciously agreed to help me get started painting. Despite the loathing I feel towards painting, it actually wasn't awful.  

I was a little nervous about the color, but after seeing all four walls painted, I love it! 
It doesn't make the room feel tight and small like I thought it would.  

** As a little side note, we did have a mishap with the paint.  Coming down off the latter I stepped in the paint tray and then, trying to get out, I stepped on the carpet with a paint covered foot.  So, prior to the above photo I was sitting on the carpet sobbing for having ruined baby Jake's nursery [gotta love pregnancy hormones].  Lauren took over and started wetting down the carpet and soaking up the paint.  It actually all came out and there is barely a dull gray tinge.  Thank goodness, the nursery isn't completely ruined.  And I owe it to my sister for actually fixing the problem while all I could do was cry.  Haha.  

So, here is the final look at the paint - I love it!

The color turned out so beautiful and I can't wait to continue on the journey to turn the nursery into this....

But, let me assure you, I cannot afford all of the wonderful accessories in this picture.  That chair alone is almost $1200! So, if you feel like looking around at this nursery, let me know (comment!) if you have any ideas or sources to find similar items at a much lower price. :) 

much love, 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'm Back!

Well, after two weeks of vacation, I am glad to be home again.  Except for the full suitcase of laundry that is still staring at me in the face.  I hope you have been enjoying your summer.  We enjoyed a few days at the beach with family and then joined the students at camp in Miami for the following week.  Sure, we came home exhausted but seeing our high school students minister to kids was well worth it.  

Now, just to prepare you, before I left I downloaded 1400 pics off my camera and managed to take a couple hundred more on vacation.  Don't worry too much - I will not be uploading all of them... but be prepared to see some soon! 

And, if you hear the sound of someone hyperventilating, its probably me thinking about all I need to do to get ready for the baby coming in oh, 12 weeks!! Seeing as how I have done absolutely nothing still... well... thus the quick, unsteady breaths.  

Can't wait to share some posts with you this week!

Much love, 

Monday, June 27, 2011

{baby boy} 23 Weeks

So this pregnancy is flying by.  Josh seems to think it is going slowly, but in just 4 weeks, I am starting the every other week appointments.  If you have been pregnant before, you know that means you are getting close to the end! And I am not ready.  Nope, not at all.  I have only gotten as far as almost completely emptying the soon-to-be nursery.  

 I am definitely showing.  As my husband so kindly put it to me yesterday, "you sure do look a lot bigger with this baby."  (thanks love, thats exactly what I want to hear.) 

And little man is kicking and dancing up a storm.  I am pretty sure he has hardly stopped moving the last two days.  But its fun and I am so blessed,  I don't mind.  :O)

I am no longer feeling the morning sickness so that is a huge blessing, but I am exhausted all the time.  I have yet to get the second trimester burst of energy, and instead crawl into bed every night completely spent.  I cleaned house the other day and it took me almost 2 days to recover.  haha.  And the weather, which has actually been kind of nice the past couple of days, has been pushing 100 degrees almost every afternoon and that makes me even more tired- especially when Madi loves to play outside all the time and my backyard has zero shade.  She has been sweet and let me borrow her cupcake umbrella to keep "cool". :)

Josh and I still haven't decided on a name.  We are getting closer, but its only because I think he has given up.  That isn't nearly as fun, I want him to have some input too.  So, alas, we press on.  

I can't wait to meet this little boy though! 

Until next time, 
much love,