They might not look like much, but these green beans are amazing. And even better, they are so easy. Every time I cook them, both Josh and Madi let me know how good they are. And then, I tell myself I need to post this recipe online... and I have forgotten, until now.
So, the key ingredient here is: green beans. But, it can't just be a can or any old green bean. You must pick up a bag of fresh green beans* from your local farmers market. Before I came across this recipe, I could never figure out how to cook fresh green beans, especially in a healthy way.
Here is what you need:
-about 1 lb of green beans (depending on the size of your family)
-olive oil
-garlic salt (or regular salt, if you prefer)
-tin foil
-a cookie sheet
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Cover the cookie sheet with tin foil. Trim the ends off of the green beans and then spread them out evenly on the cookie sheet. Drizzle olive oil over the green beans. Sprinkle them with the garlic salt and pepper. Toss them around to evenly coat them with the olive oil. Make sure they are spread evenly again and then place the pan in the oven. Cook about 20 minutes, turning about halfway through. You will know they are ready when they get all wrinkly and are getting a little brown.
These green beans turn out to be so tasty. Baking them in the oven releases the innate sweetness of the green bean. Who knew they could be sweet? And then with the salty flavor and olive oil.... yummmmmy!
So, please try these as soon as possible. And then let me know what you think!
*I have heard that you can use frozen green beans with this recipe as well, but I haven't tried it. So if you have some laying around, let me know how it works.
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