We have the privilege of hosting a young lady from South Africa in our home for two weeks. She is beautiful, quiet, and polite. It has been interesting adjusting to another person in our home, but it has been so fun! Her and her 10 classmates are here in America to study our school systems and have been taking copious notes. They will take what they learn here and use it to better their school in South Africa. We have been blessed to hear them sing and even heard a little bit of testimony. One of my favorite things is just getting to know a body of Christ, fellow brothers and sisters from across the Atlantic ocean. It is so incredible!
Josh and I laugh often because we have realized how much we rely on slang, sarcasm, and otherwise "improper" English. Apparently, we hang out with teenagers too often (ha.). Sometimes Sphiwe's eyes get a little glassy and I realize she has no idea what we are talking about. While her English is awesome, it is school-taught and therefore the way we use some words is foreign to her.
It has been fun taking her to some of our favorite places and restaurants. Her favorite place so far is Gelati Joes. :) We are surprising her with Hollywood Studios on Monday, as well as several of the other students, and we cannot wait to see the park through their eyes. They take (or want me to take) multiple pictures of EVERYTHING, so I will probably have 200 just from that day! I will need a large photo album to hold all of the ones we have taken so far.
If you have any other ideas for "must see" Florida fun, let me know!
Here are some pics to share! :)
bottom left: Palace Pizza, Chick-fil-a, Remedy student service, Gelati Joes)
I promise we have done more than eat, but those pics are still on my camera. :)
much love,