[Apparently, I took a summer break from my blog.
I can't believe it's been four months!]
Every once and a while, the hubs gets really
Last night was one of those times.
He practically had me in tears, but reminded me of
something valuable.
(hey, it happens once and a while)
It is so easy to get frustrated and see how
busy we are
and how our kids don't eat or sleep or calm down or
help or
keep their room clean or keep your house clean
leave you alone for five minutes to use the
One day they will grow up.
Your influence in their life will be greatly
Your time with them will be greatly diminished.
And you. will. miss. this.
They will go off to college but you will remember
them to their first day of preschool.
They will get married, but you will remember dancing
with them in your arms in the living room.
They will have children of their own,
but you remember a tiny baby nestled in your arms.
You will miss snuggling your little one at
1:00am and again at 4:00am and 6:00am.
You will miss hearing the scrambling little feet
that found you
when you were hiding for just two minutes of peace
and quiet.
You will miss the 400 questions every day from your
(I promise, you will)
And you will miss the days your kids just
needed to snuggle on the couch
even though you had 1,000 other things to do.
So, don't view them as interruptions or
inconveniences, they are blessings.
Sometimes you will have to look really hard to see
the blessing.
Like when your daughter decides to color on her light
and almost sets her room on fire.
Take each moment
and treasure